J. L. "Lafayette" CRAWFORD

1900 United States census, Montgomery co. Illinois (sheet 15B, Raymond village, family 348):

1920 United States census, Macoupin co. Illinois (North Otter township):

Girard Gazette (Thursday, 5 August 1920, page 1 column 1):


J. L. Crawford was born April 23, 1868 near Palmyra, Ill., and died July 26, 1920 aged 52 years, 3 months and 3 days. He was united in marriage to Dora A. Jenkins July 29, 1896. To this union three children were born, namely, Mrs. Freida Beeman of near Butler, Ill., Joyce at home and Cecil Fern who died in infancy.

He professed faith in Christ in December 1919, united with Union Chapel Baptist Church, January 4, 1920 and was baptized June 20, 1920.

He was born and reared in Macoupin County where he spent all of his life excepting twenty years which he lived in Montgomery County where he made many friends.

He was a true, devoted husband, loving father and kind neighbor being ever ready to lend a helping hand.

He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife and two daughters, an aged father, one brother and two half sisters besides other relatives and friends.

Funeral servicse [sic] were held at Union Chapel at 2:30 p. m. Wednesday July 28th conducted by Rev. O. W. Shields assisted by Rev. J. R. Hastings pastor of the Baptist church of Girard and interment in the adjoining cemetery.

Girard Gazette, Thursday (5 August 1920, page 8 column 3):


Mrs. J. L. Crawford will hold a Closing Out sale of stock and farm implemnets [sic] at her residence two miles west of Girard, commencing at 11 a. m. on Thursday, August 19. Ray England, auctioneer.

Macoupin County Enquirer (Wednesday, 4 August 1920, page 2):

Mrs. J. M. Crawford died at her home in South Otter on Tuesday evening at the age of about 70 years. The funeral will be held Thursday morning from Bloomington Grove church and the interment will be in the Crawford cemetery. The funeral of a son, Lafayette Crawford who resided east of Girard was held on Wednesday and the interment was in the Crawford cemetery.