Girard Gazette (1 August 1901, page 1 column 2):

Joseph England Dead.

Death has removed one of the oldest settlers of North Otter, in the person of Uncle Joe England, which occurred last Monday morning at his residence west of Girard. Mr. England was a sufferer for years and his death was no suprise to his relatives and friends. His funeral was held Tuesday from his late residence at 11 o'clock. Rev. Watts, of Girard officiating. The funeral was one of the largest and attested the high esteem in which he was held by his neighbors. Uncle Joe was a kind hearted man, liberal, and was a favorite in his early days, he will be sadly missed by his children and grandchildren. He was about 84 years old, and had lived in Macoupin county over 60 years.

Our North Otter correspondent will furnish our readers with a biographical sketch of his life in next week's Gazette.

Girard Gazette (8 August 1901, page 5 column 3):


Joseph England, one of the pioneer settlers of this state, was born in Morgan county Tenn. Dec. 29, 1817 and died at his home four and one half miles west of Girard Ill. July 29, 1901. He came to Macoupin County with his parents who bought a claim and entered land from the Government in this vicinity of what is now North Otter. Here they lived in a cabin built of logs, and covered with clap boards hewn out by hand. The chimney was made of slab covered with mud and the floor was of puncheon split by hand. The family lived there for two years and them [sic] built a larger log house. He split the puncheon and got ready the material for the house using wooden pins for nails. For many years there was no railroad near them and Alton was the nearest market town. His mother whose maiden name was Lina Hall, died at the old homestead in 1841, having reared ten children. His father John England cleared quite a tract of land and contrived to reside there until his death in 1858.

Jos. England was married in his native county Dec. 19, 1839 to Mary A. Hays, who was born in Martin County Indiana, April 10, 1824. Her parents were William and Elizabeth Hays. Mr. and Mrs. England have been the parents of thirteen children six of whom survive them. They are John, Samuel, Elisha, Benjamin, George, and Thomas. Joseph England became a member of the Methodist church in early manhood and lived a consistent member until a division took place in the church, and since then has been very liberal in his religious views.

No men in the township or county ever lived a more genial or hospitable life although he has gone from our midst his memory as a good husband, a loving father a beloved grandfather and a helping friend, will live forever.

The funeral services were conducted at Union Chapel Tuesday July 28 1901 at 11:00 o'clock a. m. by Rev. R. J. Watts after which his remains were laid beside his companion in the family lot in the old cemetery. There was a large audience present to pay their last tribute of respect to the departed.