Joseph P. GUGGER

Carlinville Democrat, 14 December 1910, page 1.


Joseph P. Gugger Died Tuesday Morning - Funeral Thursday Afternoon at 1:30.

Joseph P. Gugger, one of the best known and most highly respected young men of Polk township, died at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Jacob Geiger, in the Second Ward in this city on Tuesday morning at 3:30 o'clock, aged 37 years, 8 months and 14 days. Mr. Gugger's death was caused by Bright's disease from which he had been a sufferer for several years. Since July he has been growing worse. Everything that medical skill could suggest was done for him but it proved to be of no avail.

About ten days ago Mr. Gugger was brought to Carlinville from his home in Polk township to that of his sister, Mrs. Geiger, who resides in the Second Ward. This was done in order that he could be nearer to his physician. He had been bedfast since coming here.

Joseph P. Gugger was born in Polk township on March 29, 1873. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gugger who had preceded their son to the grave.

He grew to manhood in that township where he had the confidence and esteem of a large circle of friends.

He was industrious, honest and conscientous in all of his dealings with his fellowmen. He had earned for himself a good name among his neighbors and friends, as one who was ever ready to lend a helping and sustaining hand to those in distress.

Mr. Gugger was a soldier for three years in the regular army. At the expiration of his first term of service he re-enlisted and served in the Spanish-American war, and was a corporal in Co. A. Eleventh Infantry, and from which regiment he was honorably discharged.

About four years ago he was united in marriage to Miss Eunice Komoros, of Polk. To this union one child, a daughter, Marie, now two years old was born.

The bereaved widow with the little daughter survive the husband and also surviving him are two sisters and one brother, as follows:

Mrs. Jacob Geiger, of Carlinville; Mrs. Chas. Pursey, of Polk and Jacob Gugger, of Bunker Hill. In addition he is survived by a number of relatives and a host of friends in this city and vicinity.

Funeral services will be held on Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Geiger in the Second Ward. Orient Lodge No. 95, Knights of Pythias, of Carlinville, of which deceased was a member for many years will officiate at the grave.

Interment will be in the city cemetery. The family have the deep sympathy of all who know them, in their hour of sorrow.

Macoupin County Enquirer, Wednesday, 14 December 1910, page 1 column 4.


After an illness of about five months from Bright [sic] disease and complications Joseph Peter Gugger passed from this life at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Geiger, 805 S. Mayo street in this city, at 3:20 o'clock Tuesday morning. He was aged 37 years and leaves his wife and a two-year old baby girl, the widow being before her marriage Miss Eunice Komoros, a sister of Miss Ella Komoros, who was a victim of flames recently. Besides the wife and child he is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Geiger of Carlinville and Mrs. Chas. Percy of Polk township; one brother, Jacob Gugger who resides near Bunker Hill, and a step-brother, John Christian [sic], of this city. His parents have both preceded him to the tomb.

Deceased was a farmer. He had served three years as a soldier in the regular army when the Spanish war began and he re-enlisted and fought through that campaign as corporal of Company A, Eleventh Infantry. Afterwards he returned to his farm, near Macoupin Station, where he resided until ten days ago when he was brought to his sister's home, where he died. He was town clerk of Polk township for nine consecutive ears [sic] and had also served as justice of the peace and highway commissioner, and was known as a man of good business ability and one who was useful and a good citizen of his home community.

Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the Geiger home, Rev. Reimeier officiating, and interment will follow in the cit [sic] cemetery. The Knights of Pythias lodge, of which the deceased was a member, will have charge of the service.