Macoupin County Enquirer, 31 July 1901, page 7 column 3:

This community was shocked Tuesday morning when the news came that Miss Osa Hays had died very suddenly at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Elisha Davidson, in Girard. Osa Lee Hays was born in this township, Jan. 12, 1877, and died at the home of her aunt in Girard, July 23, 1901. She was the daughter of J. W. and Lucinda Hays. Osa was a very kind hearted young woman and was a great favorite among the young people as well as the old. Her mother died in 1893, since which time she took the lead in the affairs of the household at home and her place will be greatly missed by her brothers and sisters. Her death was very sudden and unexpected, not one of the family being present when she passed away. A short burial service was conducted at Union Chapel Wednesday by the Rev. R. J. Watts after which the remains were laid to rest in the family lot. There was a very large attendance at the funeral. She leaves a father, two sisters and five brothers to mourn her death.