Warner C. RICHARDS (1897-1915)

Macoupin County Enquirer, Wednesday, 6 October 1915, page 1 column 6:


Word was received Monday evening of the death of Warner Richards, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Richards, and a brother of Mrs. George Dorks. He died in the Springfield hospital, after an operation for appendicitis, performed Sunday morning.

Page 6 column 6 "NORTH OTTER."

Warner, the 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Richards, of whose serious illness we made mention, died at Springfield Monday, at 12:10 o'clock. The body will be brought today to the home of his parents, and funeral services will be conducted from Oak Grove church Wednesday at 10 a.m., and interment will be in Oak Grove cemetery.

Page 11 column 1 "NORTH OTTER."

Warner, youngest son of E. H. Richards and wife, was taken ill Saturday. Two physicians were called who pronounced his ailment appendicitis. He was taken to Springfield for an operation and the word came back that his case was a hopeless one, the doctors giving him only about twelve hours to live. We have not heard from him this (Monday) morning.