The subject of this sketch, Martha Ann Swift, was born April 1st, 1839, and died at her home near Pleasant Dale church in South Otter, April 1st, 1911, aged seventy-two years. She was married to Henry Adcock in 1854 and to this union were born twelve children, ten daughters and two sons. One son and seven daughters survive their mother. She accepted Christ in 1859 and united with the Buchanan Baptist church and when that church disbanded she placed her membership with the Pleasant Dale Baptist church, living a faithful member of the same until her death. Her husband passed away in June, 1910. Besides her children she is survived by one brother and two sisters, a number of grandchildren, and a large number of sympathizing neighbors and friends. The remains were brought to Union Chapel Sunday afternoon, where a short funeral service was held, conducted by Rev. E. N. Groce of Alton, and the remains were laid away in the family lot in the first addition to the cemetery.