William Yowell, son of Moses and Eliza (Morris) Yowell, was born near Millageville, Lincoln county, Kentucky, Jan. 5, 1843; died at his home near Macoupin Station, June 19, 1925, at the age of 82 years, five months and 14 days. He was one of a family of nine children, who came with their parents to Illinois from Kentucky in 1850 and settled in the Union Chapel neighborhood, west of Girard, where he lived for a number of years.
On April 30, 1874, he was united in marriage to Sarah Kidd Price, a girl of his own neighborhood, and came to Macoupin, where he engaged in farming and resided until his death. To this union, five children were born, namely--Anna Belle, Mark, William, Jacob and Mary, all of whom are married and live near by, except the youngest son and daughter who reside at home with their mother.
Soon after his marriage, Mr. Yowell united with the Church of Christ and has lived a consistent, Christian life. His health began to fail about three months ago but was not thought serious until about a week ago, when he suddenly grew worse and all help was of no avail. His wife and children and his only remaining brother, Moses Yowell of Carlinville, and his sisters, Mary and Nancy Yowell of Greenridge, were with him when he passed away. He lived a peaceful and contented life. He was active and energetic and was able to do his work until three weeks before his death.
Besides the relatives mentioned, he leaves seven grandchildren, other relatives and a host of friends.
The remains were taken to Union Chapel, Sunday, June 21st where funeral services were held at 11 a. m., conducted by Rev. T. J. Roady of Kane, Ill. A quartet from Kane, had charge of the song service. There was a good attendance at the services.