The remains of Mrs. Dave Jordan, who died at her home near Concord, South Palmyra, was brought to Union Chapel Thursday afternoon, and after a short funeral discourse by Rev. A. M. Stamper, her remains was [sic] placed by the side of her brother and sisters who had preceded her to the grave. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adcock of Pleasant Dale, South Otter, and was 36 years old at the time of her death. She was a member of Pleasant Dale Baptist church and died in full triumphs of a living faith. She leaves a husband, six children, her aged father and mother, one brother and several sisters. She died of consumption and had been sick for some time, but bore her afflictions well.
Mrs. Dave Jordan, of South Palmyra, was buried in Union Chapel cemetery Thursday last. The funeral services were conducted from Union Chapel church Thursday evening by Rev. A. M. Stamper. Deceased was 36 years old and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adcock, of South Otter. She leaves a husband and six children, a father, mother and several sisters.