Uncle John W. Hays one of the older residents of this township is seriously ill at his home with little hopes of ever being any better. He has been in poor health for some years, and has had several strokes of paralysis.
John Wesley Hays, was born in Macoupin county, Illinois, in what is now South Otter township, on January 27, 1837, and spent his entire life on the farm where he was born. He was joined in marriage to Lucinda Jane England, daughter of Joseph and Mary A. England, December 6, 1860. This union was blessed with twelve children, five of whom preceded him to the great beyond. There remains to mourn his departure, George B., South Otter; Samuel, Edgar, Mary E., wife of E. A. Coe, Robert O. Cephas and Cena, all of North Otter, also two sisters, Mrs. Elisha Davidson, North Otter, and Mrs. Elizabeth Jones of Girard. Sixteen grandchildren and one great grandchild, and a host of relatives and friends. His companion departed this life December 28, 1893. He acepted [sic] Christ in early life and united with the M. E. church south at Union Chapel, December 20, 1882. He remained faithful and loyal to the same until his call to the home beyond. Patient in suffering, trustful and submissive to the end, he fell asleep at two o'clock p. m., Tuesday, February 16, 1915, at the age of 78 years and 19 days. He was a kind husband and a loving father, and was always ready to lend a helping hand in time of need.
He was a hard worker, and by manuel [sic] labor and strict attention to business, accumulated considerable property, owning at his dismise [sic] several hundred acres of land.
Funeral services were held at Union Chapel Thursday, February 18, at eleven o'clock a. m., conducted by Rev. R. J. Watts of Waverly assisted by Rev. N. R. Norris of Girard. There was an unusually large attendance at the services. The pallbearers were Aaron and Marsh Hays, W. H. Bivin, Charles, Herbert, and Roy England, all nephews of the deceased. A quartet from Palmyra composed of Messrs R. R. Richie, and J. G. Gates, Mrs. F. E. Dopheide and Miss Verna Bramley furnished some good music. The remains were laid to rest in the family lot by the side of his companion in Union Chapel cemetery.