Card of Thanks
We wish to extend our sincere thanks to our kind friends and neighbors for the help and sympathy rendered during the illness and death of our beloved father. Also for the beautiful floral gifts-
J.L. Adcock W.L. Adcock
The frim monster. Death, has again invaded the quiet precinct of Orlando. His dart, after waving for some time over John Jefferson Adcock, an aged Civil War veteran and struck at 2 o'clock Saturday morning. One funeral sermon was delivered at the ?awn View church at 1 p.m. Sunday and one at the Chritian church, Orlando, at 3 p.m. delivered by Rev. Gamble of Perry and interment made in the Lawn View cemetery.
James Jefferson Adcock was born in MacCoupin County, Illinois December 25, 1846, died at his home in Orlando, Oklahoma, aged 82 years, 10 months, and 23 days. He was converted and united with Baptist church in early life and has been faithful throughout the years of his long life. Mr Adcock was united in marriage to Dinna Emmailine Dalton October 2, 1870. To this union were born seven children, two of whom died in infancy. His wife passed away April 23rd, 1919. Mr. Adcock enlisted in the U.S. Army March 15, 1864 and served under Captain Wm. C. Byral, ?th Company, 33 - Regiment - Illinois Infantryof Veteran Volunteers. He received his discharge in Vicksburg, Mississippi, in 1865. Another of our Civil War Veterans has answered the call of the Great commander. So few of the mighty host which answered the call of their commander to serve their country during the great War between the states, are left that it is with tear-dimmed eyes and broken hearts that we part with another one. For what greater thing can any ?an do than to serve his God and his country? Soon after his marriage he moved to Clay Center, Nebraska, near where he lived until the Cherokee Strip, when he came with his family and settled on a farm four miles north of Orlando. Mr. Adcock learned to keep step in the service of his country and continued as a leader to keep step in the development of this new community. He was a promotor of good Schools and always stood for the principles upon which good citizenship is founded. He had a large acquaintance and his kindly acts, honesty and friendship has endeared him to his friends and they ? that they have lost a real man, a true friend and an excellent neighbor. Mr. Adcock was a kind brother, a provider and loving father. He leaves two sons, John and Leslie, three daughters, Mrs. Anna Wagner, Mrs. Mary Stumpff, of Orlando, Oklahoma, Mrs. Ada Fisher of Gueydon, Louisana, seven grandchildren, and three great grandchildren, an aged brother and sister, M.G. Adcock and Mrs. Elizabeth England of Girard, Illinios; and many, many freinds to mourn.
[obituaries courtesy of Sharon Crawford]