Mt. Vernon IL Register-News (Friday, 25 April 1952, page 2 column 3):

Gale G. Wingo Dies in Miami, Fla.; Bring Body Here

Gale G. Wingo of Miami, Fla., a former Mt. Vernon resident, died at 4:00 p. m. yesterday at the U. S. Marine Hospital in Baltimorme [sic] Md.

He was a brother of Mrs. Blanche Packwood of Mt. Vernon and Leamon Wingo, former Mt. Vernon high school teacher who now resides in Springfield, Ill.

The body will be returned to Mt. Vernon. Funeral arrangements were incomplete.

Mr. Wingo was born October 7, 1894 in Ina, Ill., the son of Thomas B. and Louisa (Wyatt) Wingo.

He was a veteran of World War I.

Surviving are a daughter, Gail, of Miami; a brother, Leamon Wingo of Springfield; and two sisters, Mrs. Blanche Packwood of Mt. Vernon and Mrs. Madge Schneider of Tiffin, Ohio.

He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Wade B. Wingo, whose death occurred April 24, 1950.

Mt. Vernon IL Register-News (Saturday, 26 April 1952, page 2 column 7):

Graveside Rites At Kirk Cemetery For Gale Wingo

Funeral services for Gale G. Wingo will be held Sunday, April 27 at 1:30 p. m. at the grave in Kirk cemetery. The Rev. R. B. Guthrie will officiate.

The body will arrive Sunday morning and friends may call at Myers Chapel from 10 a. m. Sunday until the funeral hour.

Mr. Wingo died Thursday, April 24 at the U. S. Marine Hospital in Baltimore, Md.