Uncle Edmond [sic] Adcock died at his home in North Otter, Tuesday night, aged 74 years. He was one of the oldest residents of that township. Funeral services will be held today at Union Chapel, and interment will be made in the cemetery adjoining the chapel.
Uncle Edmund Adcock was born March 3, 1830 [1829], died March 21, 1905. He was 75 years and 18 days old. He was married in the year of 1848 to Hester Coverdill, to this union 14 children were born, of which nine preceded him to the land above, five of which are now living to mourn his demise, they are: Nancy Ann Crawford, Sarah J. [unreadable], Isarel [sic] Adcock, [unreadable] Jennings, and Frank [unreadable] Adcock.
He lived a long, honest and faithful life between man and man and at last accepted Christ as his Savior.
The funeral service was conducted from Union Chapel by Rev. A. M. Stamper Thursday forenoon after which the remains were laid away in the cemetery adjoining the church.
Uncle Edmund Adcock is gradually growing weaker and is not expected to hold out much longer.
Mrs. J. A. Beatty was in Shaw's Point Thursday attending the funeral of her uncle, Ed Adcock.
Uncle Edmund Adcock, the subject of this sketch, was born in Illinois on March 3, 1830 [1829], and died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. M. M. Jennings, March 21, 1905, aged 75 years and 18 days. He was united in marriage to Hester Coverdill in the year 1848. Of this union fourteen children were born to them, nine of whom preceded him to the grave. The living are Mrs. J. M. Crawford, Mrs. Thomas Davidson, Mrs. M. M. Jennings, Israel and Frank Adcock. The funeral service was conducted from Union chapel Thursday forenoon by Rev. A. M. Stamper, after which the remains were laid away in the cemetery adjoining the church. There was a large attendance at the funeral to pay a last tribute of respect to the deceased.