Carlinville Democrat, Thursday, 29 January 1891, page 1.

In the early part of the winter J. H. Adcock and family, living west of here, moved to Texas, but being dissatisfied with the country returned about two weeks ago. On their return they stopped one or two nights with relatives in town and then took up their abode at the residence of John Swift, west of here, until they could get possession of a home. Shortly after their arrival some of the members of the family were taken sick, and Dr. Cowan was called in. The symptoms were such as to lead him to believe it a case of small pox, and after a visit or two he called in consultation with his father, Dr. R. S. Cowan, who has had a great deal of experience with that disease, and who pronounces this to be a clearly defined case of small pox. We learn the family returned from that portion of Texas where the small pox is now raging. At this writing there are four cases. We sincerely hope that the disease will not spread and that those who are now sick will speedily recover.

Thursday, 5 February 1891, page 1.

  -The small pox cases reported southwest of Girard are five in all - Mr. Adcock, his three boys and Wm. Crawford. The cases are under the supervision of the State Board of Health and everything is being done to prevent the spread of the contagion. The present cases are confined to the two houses each of which is off the main road and the lanes leading to them fenced across at their intersection with the main traveled road and flags warn all of the location of the houses in which the contagion exists.

Thursday, 12 February 1891, page 1.

  -J. H. Adcock, who returned from Texas with the smallpox, died at his home in the south part of North Otter, Wednesday night, and the infant daughter of James Crawford died in the first part of the week. Israel Adcock, brother to J. H., is down with the disease. The board of health is making every effort to keep the disease from spreading. Fourteen cases in all are reported since the first outbreak. It is also reported there are four cases in a family two miles north of Litchfield. Our people should use due caution and if not vacinated [sic] attend to this matter without delay.

Girard Gazette, Thursday, 5 February 1891.

The list of smallpox patients are [sic] increasing. Some five or six cases here [North Otter], and about the same in South Otter, at James Crawford's and Doc Adcock's. The patients here are all at J. M. Swift's.

Thursday, 19 February 1891.

The report that the families of James Swift and James Newell had the small pox was a mistake. There are no new cases, and those afflicted are getting along very well, excepting Israel Adcock. He was very bad the last heard from, Sunday evening.

Died of small pox since our last, J. H. Adcock, of North Otter, and an infant of James Crawford, of South Otter. Mr. Adcock was some 28 or 40 [sic] years old. He leaves a wife and three children, all boys, besides a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his sudden taking away. His body was laid away in Union Chapel cemetery.

Thursday, 26 February 1891.

No new cases of small pox and those that had it are about well. In South Otter there has been one case of small pox and two or three cases of varioloid in the family of Israel Adcock. Since our last, however, they are getting along nicely at present.